Behind the Business
Hey everyone and welcome to Beyond Blessed! I'm the face and designer of the items you see on this page. My name is Marlie Martin; and I am a mother of three (two beautiful girls, and one handsome son). We are all called to serve God in our own ways based on the talents we have been given. I'm a social butterfly, with a desire to share the goodness of God. For me, I am able to do that by hosting my podcast "Making Room with Marlie Martin", earning a certification through Encounter Ministry School, being a stay at home mom, and owning and running this incredible business!
I have been so blessed in my own life, and believe Christ is calling me to go BEYOND the blessings. If y'all have any questions or prayer requests, I am all ears! I hope to earn your business, build a relationship, and help you become walking billboards for Christ as you wear your BEYOND BLESSED items!